Continetti Group

Group Photos

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Archive 2

  • Continetti group - (from left to right) Zhou, John, Jenny, Jon, Bob, Silvia, Mort, Qichi, and Chris.
  • The A-Team with their newly updated laser. Qichi, Jon, Bob, Chris, and Zhou (from left to right - Mr. T. not pictured).
  • Most of the group at the beach. This was taken during the red tide. Jenny, Silvia, John, Mort, Zhou and Shane.
  • Kevin and Bob lift Machine A to install a new diffusion pump.
  • Kevin poses on Machine A's new wheels.
  • Jenny, John, and Zhou at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
  • John and Zhou with giant burritos in Santa Cruz, on the way back from a conference.
  • Bob and John fill the titanium sublimation pump with liquid nitrogen.
  • Top Row: Shane, Zhou, Silvia, Jenny, Maurizo, Bob, Chris, Mary and Mort. Bottom Row: John, Kevin and Dominic.
  • Our group at the beach. Standing (Left to Right) Mort, Zhou, Bob, Chris) Sitting: John, Todd, Shane, Silvia, Jenny.
  • Mort Fineman, this year's Heisman trophy winner.
  • Chris explains the finer points of why the Celtics are better than the Lakers to the younger generation.